After my UPSR, my father let me use his laptop (Which is the faster 1.6 Ghz com) And that is good news!!! I straight away get the com and download GoGo Racer which I knew thru the news.... very addicting in the start but now... Its just like a normal game.... With level 10 in my hands now, I could say that I am very good on this!!! Woohoo!
By the way, Last Tursday was the end of UPSR but I only started a post today which is almost 5 days later... I was caring about my TM, Facebook and GoGo Racer till I forgot about Blogger!!! haha!
But today, something happen to my Windows Live Messenger account... The f*@&$(! Douglas sent me a link and I stupidly downloaded it... And now, my Account has been hacked and keep on sending messages to anyone online....Which also made my mouse hang... I straight away on my CCleaner to delete temperory files to make sure the viruses are not there and scanned my computer with the powerful Avira antivirus program... ending up me having a few worms and also a few not-really-scarry viruses.....
I hope so that the sending thingy won't happen to anyone anymore.... Juz hate seeing that kind of things is being placed in the internet..... And why computer viruses got to live?! But nevermind.... Just get the thing done and I am fine with it....
And one more thing. I am going to put a new playlist ont he blog...
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