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Friday, July 17, 2009

Test agian!

There is soooo many test 1!!!! Test like mad lar!!!!

2 weeks ago, there was a test that was postponed because of the H1N1!!! WTF!
And now(Next week) there is another test!!!! (But luckly its the last (Almost) test before UPSR...)
And now I am reading like mad for the whole night!!! Donno can I stand that????

But yet, I am giving a small peek on my results.... (3rd test of the year)
BM (Comprehension) 77.5 (Nearly...) =(
BM (Composition) 85 (Big improvement!!! yay!)
Maths: 93.75 (Keep stayng at the same place for the year... lolz)
Chinese (Comprehension) 65 (got back to square A)
Chinese (Composition) 56.67 (Better than last time.. Failed last time..)
Science: 70 (got back... by just 2 pts... lolz)
English: 90 (Wow!!! Superb imporvement!!!)

So now, just hope I can be better than last time.....
PS: I got 3 A 3 B 1 C... lolz... So weak 1...


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